OnBase, Hyland’s flagship product, is a single enterprise information platform designed to manage your content, processes and cases. OnBase centralizes your important business content in one secure location, and then delivers relevant information to you when you need it, wherever you are. Increase productivity, deliver excellent customer service and reduce risk across your entire enterprise.

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One platform

OnBase provides a single platform for building content-enabled applications while complementing your other core business systems – delivering value for both your business units and IT department.

Low-code configuration

Reduce cost, development time and departmental siloes by rapidly creating content-enabled solutions with a low-code application development platform.

Anywhere, any way

Deploy OnBase in the cloud, extend to mobile devices and integrate with existing applications – all benefitting from the core strengths and securities native to the OnBase platform.


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  • Automates processes and manages important business content
  • Works with other applications to deliver information within familiar interfaces
  • Enables employees to make better, quicker decisions
  • Results in better customer service

See OnBase in action


customer-driven innovation


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years enterprise experience

A message to our valued customers and partners in this uncertain time
Learn more

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